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Minggu, 21 November 2010

Fenomena Langka!! Malam ini (21 November 2010) Bulan Purnama Penuh alias Blue Moon

Bulan purnama akan muncul di barat horison, tepat di bawah kelompok bintang paling terang di langit, Pleiades.


Pleiades merupakan kelompok bintang terang di konstelasi Taurus sekitar 410 juta tahun cahaya dari matahari. Sebagai kelompok bintang paling terang, Pleiades dapat dilihat menggunakan teropong dan teleskop kecil. Pertunjukan langit pagi hari ini hanya permulaan saja. Pertunjukan Bulan purnama dan Pleiades akan terulang selama 12 jam setelah matahari terbenam, ketika bulan tampak di horison timur. Hal ini normal terjadi tiap bulan. Namun kali ini, Pleiades berada di atas bulan.

Hal ini seperti tak mungkin terjadi, karena bulan bergerak secara stabil melewati langit pada orbitnya di sekitar Bumi, dan seperti tak mungkin berada di tempat yang sama 12 jam kemudian. Sesungguhnya bulan bergerak dari satu sisi Pleiades ke sisi lain Pleiades. Bulan melewati Pleiades sekitar siang. Perubahan radikal pada orientasi konstelasi ini juga merupakan efek normal.
Jika Anda melihat kontelasi apa pun di malam hari, Anda akan melihatnya terbit dari timur bergerak dalam lingkaran lebar, kemudian terbenam sekitar 12 jam kemudian dalam orientasi yang benar-benar berbeda. Peristiwa ini akan memberi kita referensi bagaimana kontelasi mengubah orientasinya dari terbit hingga terbenam.

Fenomena Langka!! Malam ini Bulan Purnama Penuh alias Blue Moon. Blue Moon dapat menjadi bulan purnama kedua dalam bulan kalender. Atau dapat menjadi yang ketiga dari empat Bulan purnama dalam satu musim. Pada tanggal 21 November 2010 Blue Moon adalah yang ketiga dari empat Bulan penuh Antara September 2010 dan Desember 2010 Solstice Equinox. Ya. Hari ini tanggal 21 bulan November bulan purnama penuh dinamakan Blue Moon. Bukankah bulan akan berwarna biru, belum tentu karena itu biru bisa sebagai definisi saja di Nhat.

WOW!! Fenomena Alam Blue Moon malam ini 21 November 2010

The next Blue Moon is November 21, 2010

A Blue Moon can be the second full moon in a calendar month. Or it can be the third of four full moons in a single season. The November 21, 2010 Blue Moon is the third of four full moons between the September 2010 equinox and December 2010 solstice.
The next Blue Moon will be Sunday, November 21, 2010. Informed sky watchers know that a Blue Moon of this sort – one that can be scheduled ahead on the calendar – is not likely to be blue in color. So what makes the November 21 full moon a Blue Moon?

In the 21st century, according to folklore, the name Blue Moon has two meanings. A Blue Moon can be the second full moon in a calendar month. Or it can be the third of four full moons in a single season. The November 21, 2010 Blue Moon is the third of four full moons between the September 2010 equinox and December 2010 solstice.

A Blue Moon can be the second full moon in a calendar month. Or it can be the third of four full moons in a single season. The November 21, 2010 Blue Moon is the third of four full moons between the September 2010 equinox and December 2010 solstice.

Watch for November 21 Blue Moon near Pleiades star cluster

So don’t be misled by the photo above. Although certain-sized particles of dust or smoke can cause a moon to look blue in color, the sorts of moons people commonly call Blue Moons aren’t usually blue. For more about truly blue-colored moons, click here.

Every month has a full moon, and, most of the time, the names coincide with particular months or seasons of the year. By either definition, the name Blue Moon accounts for times when there happen to be more full moons than is convenient. Second full moon in a month. In recent decades, many people have begun using the name Blue Moon to describe the second full moon of a calendar month.

The time between one full moon and the next is close to the length of a calendar month. So the only time one month can have two full moons is when the first full moon happens in the first few days of the month. This happens every 2-3 years, so these sorts of Blue Moons come about that often.

Tom King : “I had never paid any real attention to the term ‘Blue Moon’ until a recent October evening. I had my telescope set up in the backyard in Watauga, Texas. Before I did, the moon began rising in the east with a strange blue tint I had not seen before.  (October 13, 2003, 12:32 AM local time). 

On a similar night a little more than two weeks later, October 30th, I again caught the ‘Blue Moon’ with my camera, this time with even more vivid coloring.

When is the next Blue Moon, according to this first definition? August 31, 2012.

The idea of a Blue Moon as the second full moon in a month stemmed from the March 1946 issue of Sky and Telescope magazine, which contained an article called “Once in a Blue Moon” by James Hugh Pruett. Pruett was using a 1937 Maine Farmer’s Almanac, but he simplified the definition. He wrote: “Seven times in 19 years there were — and still are — 13 full moons in a year. This gives 11 months with one full moon each and one with two. This second in a month, so I interpret it, was called Blue Moon.”

EarthSky’s Deborah Byrd happened upon a copy of this old 1946 issue of Sky and Telescope in the stacks of the Peridier Library at the University of Texas Astronomy Department in the late 1970s. Afterward, she began using the term Blue Moon to describe the second full moon in a calendar month on the radio. Later, this definition of Blue Moon was also popularized by a book for children by Margot McLoon-Basta and Alice Sigel, called “Kids’ World Almanac of Records and Facts,” published in New York by World Almanac Publications, in 1985. The second-full-moon-in-a-month definition was also used in the board game Trivial Pursuit.

Can there be two blue moons in a single calendar year? Yes. It last happened in 1999. There were two full moons in January and two full moons in March and no full moon in February. So both January and March had Blue Moons.

The moon was quite striking on these two October evenings. The lack of dynamic range in the camera failed to capture the strength and true blue tint that I witnessed with my eyes. Our eyes are indeed some of the best cameras ever made! from January 10, 2004.

The next year of double blue moons is coming up in 2018.

Third full moon of four in a season. The Old Farmer’s Almanac defined a Blue Moon as an extra full moon that occurred in a season. One season – winter, spring, fall, summer – typically has three full moons. If a season has four full moons, then the third full moon may be called a Blue Moon.

When is the next Blue Moon, according to this second definition? November 21, 2010.

In recent years, a controversy has raged – mainly among purists – about which Blue Moon definition is better. The idea of a Blue Moon as the third of four in a season is older than the idea of a Blue Moon as the second full moon in a month. Is it better? Is one definition right and the other wrong? After all, this is folklore. So the folk get to decide, and, in the 21st century, both sorts of full moons have been called Blue.

As the folklorist Phillip Hiscock wrote in his comprehensive article Folklore of the Blue Moon: Old folklore it is not, but real folklore it is.

So enjoy the November 21, 2010 Blue Moon!

Watch for November 21 Blue Moon near Pleiades star cluster

Watch for November 21 Blue Moon near Pleiades star cluster

Yes. Today’s November full moon is a Blue Moon. It isn’t blue in color. It’s only blue in name – at least, by one definition. Tonight’s moon is the third of four full moons in a season. So many will call it a Blue Moon.
There is a more modern definition of Blue Moon. It’s the idea that a Blue Moon is a second full moon in a calendar month. The next Blue Moon to fit this description will come on August 31, 2012. Is one definition better or more true than the other? The great thing about folklore is that it’s whatever the folk say it is. So we all get to decide.

The Really Strange Story Behind Sunday’s Blue Moon

More about the Blue Moon

Today’s Blue Moon definition comes from old editions of the Maine Farmer’s Almanac. Here are the facts. Generally, there are only three full moons in any one season. Three in summer, three in autumn … you get the idea. By season, we mean the period of time between a solstice and an equinox or vice versa, but of course there’s nothing official about that definition of a season either. But we digress.
In 2010, four full moons fall in between the September equinox and the December solstice. The third of the season’s four full moons may be called a Blue Moon, according to the old Maine Farmer’s Almanac definition.

So today’s full moon is a Blue Moon. It’s the third of the season’s four full moons. Almanac makers like to give each full moon a name, depending on where the full moon falls relative to the year’s two equinoxes and two solstices. But when a single season presents four full moons, the extra full moon throws a monkey wrench into the otherwise ordered nomenclature of full moons. It is easier for almanac makers to call the third – rather than the fourth – full moon a Blue Moon.

The strong violet colour of the sunset was affecting my personal white balance, so the white Moon actually appeared a complementary colour. (the Anglo-Australian Observatory).

Can you tell me full moon names?
This kind of Blue Moon isn’t as well known as the second-full-moon-in-a-month blue moon, which was popularized in part by the game Trivial Pursuit. This definition is trickier, because you might have to stop and ask yourself, “Let’s see … is it the three of four full moons in a season? Or is it the fourth?”
In both instances, Blue Moon refers to a calendar oddity, not an actual blue-colored moon. In both instances, the Internet will buzz with definitions and counter-definitions. Our advice? Relax and enjoy. Watch as this November Blue Moon – the third of the season’s four full moons – shines boldly from dusk until dawn!

Jadi Selamat menikmati Blue Moon di November 2010 Blue Moon! Saran kami? Bersantai dan nikmatilah. Menyaksikan Blue Moon 21 November ini – yang ketiga dari empat musim Bulan penuh – bersinar berani dari senja sampai fajar! semoga tidak mendung dan hujan ya gaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!..

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